“Something to do in Every Season” is an indigenous children’s book about traditional foods to forage, hunt, and grow. illustrated by me, authored by Nancy Cooper. (images and text ©Chapter One)
We have four seasons every year in Canada. They are Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter. Do you have a favourite season?
There are different jobs for different seasons. Indigenous people have been doing these jobs for many years. They help us get food and supplies for our families.
The first season is Spring. This is the time of year that maple trees make sap that we make into maple syrup. It is so yummy.
In Spring, the herring fish lay their eggs on underwater plants called kelp. These eggs are a special food for many Indigenous people in British Columbia.
The next season is Summer. We pick all kinds of berries to make pies and jam. Some berries are dried and used to make a special food called pemmican.
Summer is the time to gather lots of different foods from the land. The Three Sisters are corn, beans, and squash. The Three Sisters are important to the Mohawk people.
Next comes Fall. This is such a busy time for Indigenous people. This is when wild rice is gathered in the shallow water of freshwater lakes.
A lot of things happen in the Fall. Many families gather oysters to eat. Other families spend time in the forest hunting for deer and moose.
In Winter many people go out on to frozen lakes to ice fish. These fish taste so yummy and help to feed our families. Perch and Pickerel are two fish that we catch in the Winter.
Winter is time to gather and tell stories! Imagine sitting by a fireplace and listening to the old stories from our grandparents. Wintertime is a special time for families.
Every season in the year is important for us and for the land. Indigenous people keep busy all year in every season. What is your favourite season?